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Posted by on in IT Knowledge
We are now offering Complete-Sync, a cloud based storage system for small to medium sized business that is breaking barriers with its security, storage space, and ease of use. Complete-sync provides an easy way for your business to share and sync important data across multiple platforms, while keeping security a top priority. The dashboard allows administrators to keep strict policies based on your organization’s needs. With Complete-sync, you can access your files from anywhere. Unlike similar services, if you update any of your files on Complete-Sync you can be sure that your files are updated at every file access point. Additionally, we offer you military grade security, 448-Bit Blowfish, encryption. Data is encrypted both in transit and at rest in the cloud, with SSL to ensure secure data transfers. Do you have an employee that you haven’t quite gained full trust over yet? Well with Complete-Sync you can track activity of…
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Posted by on in IT Knowledge
If you are not familiar at all with VoIP phone services, prepare to have your mind blown. Chances are you have already interacted with a VoIP phone, or have held a conversation with someone who has. VoIP stands for “voice over internet protocol”, put simply, this means you are able to talk on the phone with only an internet connection, and bypass the expensive phone companies all together. While companies such as Vonage have been using this technology for some time now, it is just starting to gain popularity over the past year or so. In fact, all the phones in my office are VoIP phones, and I save a bundle every month. Another big benefit of this technology is you are not limited by your geographic location choosing what phone company you can use. With wired phones, you are restrained by who has available phone lines in your area. With…
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Posted by on in IT Advice
Ever since people have had computers, there have been people who , for no reason other than to watch the world burn, create viruses to corrupt them. You may think that a typical virus is there, you give it to your tech guy, and its gone. It wasn’t always that easy. Before knowledge of viruses became a staple skill of an IT company, viruses could wreak havoc, and brick millions of computers in the process. Many of the most destructive viruses are hatched via unknown email spread. The infamous “MyDoom” virus was spread this way, and caused almost $40 billion in damages. It is also believed that this virus had the ability to infiltrate other programs as well, which made completely removing the virus a tedious and nearly impossible task. It also opened up your computer to be able to be accessed by others . It was spread by creating a…
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Posted by on in IT Advice
Many of our clients come to us with issues regarding their email. There are a lot of things that you can do to avoid even having to give us a call about something that is supposed to be so simple. Back when emails first started, it was a lot like texting is now. You get excited because you know that that email is from a friend or family member who is trying to tell you something. Now it’s more like a portal for spam. Emails are not designed to be a storage unit for years and years of your electronic conversations. You should try to empty your inbox on a regular basis to cut down on the amount of unnecessary data slowing down your system. There are many ways to  go about making your email your friend, and not your annoying kid brother, you just have to know the right Orlando…
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