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You pay your employees to work, right? If you are saving money by using circa 2003 computer equipment, it might be a good idea to opt for an upgrade. The less time your employees are waiting for something to load, or something to be fixed, the more time they are spending getting work done. Also, if you are backed up to a quality server, there is less of a chance of hardware failure, and that means less downtime.Now I’m not saying go out and spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on top of the line equipment (It’s a better idea to lease anyway). But I am making a logical connection between up to date equipment and employee work completion rate. Companies that are based around computers and the internet should really take this advice to heart. Not only will you be taken less seriously on dinosaur age CPUs, but you’ll…
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Having employees working away from the main office presents its fair share of natural problems. Especially if your company is computer based, it’s crucial to make sure that everyone working remotely is connected to a main data base to ensure proper execution of tasks. There are also many other obstacles to overcome to properly run a company where a number of the employees work remotely.The idea of telecommuting to someone who doesn’t know any better is, buy a laptop, now you can work remotely. This is a common misconception. You need more than just a laptop, anyone could just go out and buy one and claim they have what’s needed to be a telecommuter. It’s a good idea from the get go that the management behind this telecommuting endeavor has a quality program in place that connects everyone to a central data base.Once this main brain, per say, is established, it’s…
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Posted by on in IT Advice
Leasing has been around for hundreds of years, but has undoubtedly changed as products and technology have evolved overtime. Computer and IT equipment is notorious for becoming outdated extremely quickly as newer, faster, models appear on the market. You could spend thousands of dollars, wasting most of this, to continue to buy and sell your equipment as technology pushes forward. This is why the option of leasing your IT equipment, rather than buying, is an invaluable tool in maintaining a fresh business. There are upsides and downsides to everything, leasing equipment is no different. Looking at it from a smart business standpoint though, the upsides greatly outweigh the downsides. Keeping your equipment up to date is crucial, and is much harder to do through buying and owning than it is through leasing. Although you’ll most likely end up paying more in the long run, there are no down payments, monthly…
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Posted by on in IT Knowledge
There are many problems that can arise on a computer. Various categories from software and hardware malfunctions to viruses and registry errors, how do you know what you can handle, and at what point do you need to take your computer in for repair? Generally, you should be running an antivirus software on a regular basis to help combat problems from entering your computer in the first place. If you failed to do this, many viruses can be removed with software, or manual deletion of a corrupted file. If you are unlucky enough to come across a hardware issue, it’s almost always suggested that you take your computer to a professional to help you fix the issue. If you don’t know exactly what you’re doing, tinkering around the inside of a computer can result in a bricked, unusable machine. There are very few hardware issues apart from a faulty cable that…
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