NetComplete News
The Heart Bleed Bug
Getting on the internet is easier than it has ever been before. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, watches and even some cars can get access to the internet. Usually when something is this easy to access, bad things can come from it. Starting with the very first virus back in the day, hackers and other criminals have been trying to find ways to gain access to information that is otherwise restricted to the public. Retail stores are getting hit with viruses that can read through customer information, including credit cards, social security numbers and addresses. Other viruses are just put online to close down websites as part of a political activist prank, but all in all, anything connected to the internet can be affected in some way. This year, the Hearthbleed bug brought the internet to a halt and even though website claim issues have been fixed, many believe otherwise. (more…)
The Importance Of Encryption
Digital data security has been a matter of great concern since its evolution. Especially when your computers stores personal information and financial transaction details via Internet, a computer security system is critical. Passwords were the much older option that had proven to be ineffective in hands of hackers.
The reliable and effective modern technology to protect your personal data is encryption. Encrypting your information is a bit like keeping it in a locked safe. Only those who have a key or know the lock’s combination can access it. Legally, you are personally and fiscally responsible for any information disclosure from your computer or mobile devices, whether accidental or not. By protecting the entire contents of your machine and your files in general from unauthorized viewing through a strong encryption program, you can secure your computer from data disclosure even if it falls into the hands of people you don’t want knowing your personal information. (more…)
How to Choose an IT Company
There are many things that you ultimately want to consider when thinking about choosing an IT company. The best experience comes from doing business with a company who will give you personal treatment and shares your commitment to a job well done.
Many IT companies outsource their technical support. When taking the time to consider which IT company you want to choose for your business, you are going to want a company that can guarantee that a real person is there to answer your phone call every time. This is one of the distinct advantages of choosing a small business to do your IT work. Many big businesses have no choice but to outsource or automate their technical support. (more…)
We are now offering Complete-Sync, a cloud based storage system for small to medium sized business that is breaking barriers with its security, storage space, and ease of use. Complete-sync provides an easy way for your business to share and sync important data across multiple platforms, while keeping security a top priority. The dashboard allows administrators to keep strict policies based on your organization’s needs. (more…)
VoIP/PIP Phones
If you are not familiar at all with VoIP phone services, prepare to have your mind blown. Chances are you have already interacted with a VoIP phone, or have held a conversation with someone who has. VoIP stands for “voice over internet protocol”, put simply, this means you are able to talk on the phone with only an internet connection, and bypass the expensive phone companies all together.
While companies such as Vonage have been using this technology for some time now, it is just starting to gain popularity over the past year or so. In fact, all the phones in my office are VoIP phones, and I save a bundle every month. Another big benefit of this technology is you are not limited by your geographic location choosing what phone company you can use. With wired phones, you are restrained by who has available phone lines in your area. With internet phones you can connect anywhere, to any number, at any time. (more…)
Most Expensive Computer Viruses In History
Ever since people have had computers, there have been people who , for no reason other than to watch the world burn, create viruses to corrupt them. You may think that a typical virus is there, you give it to your tech guy, and its gone. It wasn’t always that easy. Before knowledge of viruses became a staple skill of an IT company, viruses could wreak havoc, and brick millions of computers in the process.
Many of the most destructive viruses are hatched via unknown email spread. The infamous “MyDoom” virus was spread this way, and caused almost $40 billion in damages. It is also believed that this virus had the ability to infiltrate other programs as well, which made completely removing the virus a tedious and nearly impossible task. It also opened up your computer to be able to be accessed by others . It was spread by creating a fake ’email was not sent properly’ sort of message. Once it was opened, it sent itself to every contact that it could find, which made it very harmful, and very quick moving. (more…)